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Home        POWERGRIP Double Sided Tape 50mm x 2,5m

POWERGRIP Double Sided Tape 50mm x 2,5m

Ταινία Διπλής Όψης POWERGRIP Διάφανη
POWERGRIP Double Sided Tape 50mm x 2,5m
POWERGRIP Double Sided Tape 50mm x 2,5m
Code 90559
Price (VAT Incl.)8,70€
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Mammoth Powerful Grip Tape is a new type of Double Sided tape that breaks the rules, with an incredible immediate bond strength that has to be seen to be believed.

It will bond to virtually any material, indoors or outdoors including ceramics, brickwork, wood, metal, plastics and pvc.

It is moisture resistant and will not degrade with U.V light. Ideal for use in the home, industry, construction and office. Can be used in many applications to replace drilling, plugging and unsightly screws.

 “Mammoth Powerful Grip Tape – The Tape That Thinks It’s A Glue!”